The Linux Distribution That I Use & The Tools That I Frequently Work With
Pop!_OS is the linux distro I finally settled on after hopping around several other distros. It is ubuntu-based, which have the most out of the box software support of any other linux distribution.
LazyVim - This is my favorite text editor that can be used via the terminal and is very handy for making edits to files on my computer. It is built on top of NeoVim and is very well polished so that users do not have to do a lot of pre-configuring to get started.
Technology & Frameworks I Use
Unity - I have always been one of the biggest gamers I know before I got into coding in college and being able to build any game I want using a proprietary game engine such as this one is simply amazing. The most common scripting option for this engine is C# and it is a beautiful and easy-to-use language that is very similar to Java, which I learned in high school and college, so picking this language up was a piece of cake.
Asp.Net core Blazor - Fun fact: This website was built using this beautiful framework! I actually rebuilt my entire website from scratch using this because I needed to learn this for work! I already have a good knowledge on writing RESTful APIs in .Net so learning this architecture was not so bad, and to be able to write C# on the client-side in addition to the server-side has always been a dream to me.
Flutter - This is the framework I used to build mobile applications. What is special about this framework is that it is cross platform so you write the code once and the application will be deployable on both Android and iOS devices. There is a saying that time is money, and this framework really gets the job done when you need to quickly build a scalable app that is reliable.
Typescript-React - React has really come a long way and it is a lot easier to work with than it used to be. Hooks really are amazing and I enjoy using them to manage simple states in my frontend applications. I also love working with Typescript as the type checking capabilities really help scale my projects and catch bugs early on.
Asp.Net core Blazor - Fun fact: This website was built using this beautiful framework! I actually rebuilt my entire website from scratch using this because I needed to learn this for work! I already have a good knowledge on writing RESTful APIs in .Net so learning this architecture was not so bad, and to be able to write C# on the client-side in addition to the server-side has always been a dream to me.
Python Libraries I Use
Python-Selenium & Python-Beautiful Soup - I used these libraries for all my webscraping projects. They are very powerful tools when you learn to use them properly and can help you quickly collect the data you need for testing out machine learning models.
Python-Pandas, Numpy, and Matplotlib - These were powerful libraries I used for data manipulation and collection for different data applications I may have.
Python-ScikitLearn - This was the main library we used for importing different machine learning models from simple decision trees to complex state of the art models such as xgboost.
Python-prophet - I use this model to make predictions about the future based on the current data collected.
OpenCV & DJI-TelloPy - I always found robots fascinating and I loved controlling robots in first person shooter games back when I was a kid. Now that I have been coding for years, I wanted to experience what it was like to control robots in real life via programming, so I bought a Tello drone on Amazon and decided to build some projects with it.
Programming Languages
C/C++, Java, Haskell, Erlang - These are mainly languages that I have used for university classes and have built me a solid foundation for learning other languages or frameworks in the software field.
C# - I learned this language when I was learning to use the Unity Game engine to make video games. The language was easy to pick up because it was syntactically similar to Java, which I learned in high school and college.
Python - This has become my favorite programming language. It reads like English and has many sweet syntactic sugars. I use it for leetcode, OpenCV, filehandling, and automating tasks via webscraping.
JavaScript - I have learned this language through using React.js for frontend web applications and Node.js for building APIs and getting my foot in the door with backend development. Although I do use TypeScript (\"typed javascript\") much more often because the type checking aspect of the language is very important for easing the process of scaling up projects.
Dart - This is the language I use for flutter development. I love workflow and design of flutter for cross-platform mobile development. I have found this language very intuitive to learn because of its similarity to Java and JavaScript.